Sunday, July 13, 2008


Connections is what I understand by "having a life". You connect, with dear ones, family, friends, colleagues, etc. I have been thinking a lot about connections because of THE WEB. It is definitely a new thing for me, this opening yourself up to perfect strangers, who may or may not understand the implications of this opening up. At the same time you get a glimpse of someone else, people who have also dared to open up and you were there. Scary, huh? To me it is.
Ah, the web. Of course it is all about connections, and people, and ideas. All of a sudden the world is not that large any more. All of a sudden I "know",( or have written to), people in Paris, in Egypt, in Germany,Spain, in the U.S., and even in my country, Chile. And best of all, these "perfect strangers" understand what I am talking about, what I am interested in. I guarantee that it would take 3 minutes, perhaps 5, pushing it, for people in my daily life to start getting a glazed-eyes expresion, mouth slightly open,slowed breath, upon your mentioning "Singing", and you know, YOU KNOW, the lights are on but no one is there. I don't blame them. After all, how many people are as crazy for baroque opera, Vivaldi, Handel, countertenors, Philipe Jaroussky, as nuts as I?
Many, that's who. My "perfect strangers" from Germany, Latvia, France,Spain, all share this common interest. I am not alone any more!!True, I do not see them or hear them, and other than the printed word, this is the extent of our connection.( But this has advantages too. For instance, no one can tell how old and decrepit I see myself.I assume others will have their own hang-ups.)
I am eternally grateful to the web. I have new connections. They enrich me. They teach me. They show me different beings living in places I have never been in. Different cultures and different values. If you are not judgemental, and I try not to be, one accepts these differences and rejoices in them. O brave new world, that hath such people in it!
This opening up too has its merits and learning to trust others with yourself is a big thing. In your life path you can include these other people, and enrich your day to day life. Some of the people I have met are so lovely and kind I would like to share all I have with them!
I have recently made both a website and a blog, which is also a way to open up one's thoughts and souls. Like I am doing now.
So, "perfect strangers" no more, my web friends have become an important part of my social life. And they are no longer strangers. Connections. It's what life is all about.